[Magdalen] A good evening was had, if harrowing.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 17:29:47 UTC 2014

'Nice and easy does it all the time'

Marion, a pilgrim
On 12/12/2014 5:49 AM, M J [Mike] Logsdon wrote:
> It took me nearly 2 hours to make the 1.5 hour journey to Oakland in THE MOST HELLISH RAIN I'VE EVER DRIVEN IN.  And hydro-planing?  Sheesh!  My arms were sore by the time I got to the airport from gripping the wheel so firmly.  And even as I was leaving Salinas a little after 7:00 pm, the localised flooding that I saw begin by mid-afternoon was by then nearly taking over streets, and in a couple places, Highway 101 itself.  Specifically, the County ditch that runs through town and is operated by my Agency, and which was perfect for 1917 when it was built, was already lake-sized in certain places, so small are the culverts under certain roads.  It's let up a bit now, no doubt dousing South County on its way to So Cal.
> But enough hydrology.  My reuniting with my dear friend was very pleasant, and the conversation on the way home was sterling.  I even got to meet the chihuahua she inherited from her late fiance, the darling GeeGee.  GeeGee was in her arms when I left, so I only got a one-armed hug, but it was good enough.

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