[Magdalen] Legal

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 15:22:39 UTC 2014

It wouldn't be Christmas without  a revised draft from my lawyer for me 
to look over.  Sigh.  However, I am DETERMINED to make the !#$%^ 
Christmas cakes today.  That stuff has sat on the counter for over four 
weeks now!  And I've got to bring in a whack of firewood before the 
rains come tomorrow.  And I have GOT to get out to buy milk and more of 
this hideously expensive special tinned cat food (about $4 a small tin!) 
for Archie and one or two other bits and bobs.  I have got something for 
the Listgiv but I'm not over the finish line on that.

Marion, a pilgrim

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