[Magdalen] Legal

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 17:03:54 UTC 2014

We both want it to be off our desks before Christmas and New Year. It's 
in my/our interests to look after this properly -- much depends on 
getting it right:  me getting my facts straight about 1991 and her 
understanding our crazy life at that time so that she isn't left looking 
stupid.  A boss at the office is different! ;-)   My whine is more about 
having to deal with such a thing at a time of love, peace, joy.  Life 
has a way of going on.  I have no wish to look at this closely again 
until the New Year and Jan 16 will come soon enough.

The cake is all mixed and I'm preparing the pans.  It is as though I 
need to whine about tasks not completed on order to be galvanized into 
action.  Is that immutable deadlines?

Marion, a pilgrim
On 12/22/2014 10:34 AM, ME Michaud wrote:
> I had a boss like that. She had this internal rule about clearing her
> desk on Friday afternoon and before she went on vacation.
> It drove us all nuts, because she'd send out copious emails and
> heavy packets of printouts at the very last minute. Full of logical
> errors, grammatical oopsies, even calendar mistakes (looking
> at next year's or last month's calendar for dates & projected
> deadlines).
> Eventually I stopped opening any email she sent after noon
> on Friday. Told everybody I'd decided to do that, suggested we
> all wait until we were fresh on the following week. It worked
> great!
> (Yes, I'd spoken to her about this, but it didn't bore through
> her rigid internal time-piece.)
> Do what you want. In time that seems real and understandable
> to you.
> -M
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> It wouldn't be Christmas without  a revised draft from my lawyer for me to
>> look over.

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