[Magdalen] Christmas pudding

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 19:50:08 UTC 2014

 From my mom I have a fine pottery tube-shaped basin with lid, dating 
back to the 20's.  English, of course.  The top of the tube seals with a 
roll of bread dough fitted into a groove, and it is suitably notched to 
accommodate string to do it up like a package.  I also have a pudding 
cloth with ties that came with a Harrod's pudding. Foil works.  As Roger 
says, make allowance for expansion.

Marion, a pilgrim
On 12/22/2014 1:47 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> On 22/12/2014 18:12, Susan Hagen wrote:
>> Search Amazon for steamed pudding molds. I've heard you can improvise
>> one by covering a pan with a double layer of foil and tying it tightly
>> with string.  I do think the tube pan shape of a real mold ensures
>> that you don't have a soggy center.
> This side of the pond it is normal to use an ordinary pyrex or pottery 
> bowl that you might use for mixing, whisking, etc.  This is then 
> covered as you indicate to keep it watertight, ideally with a pleat to 
> allow expansion.  I have never known one with a soggy middle which 
> could indicate undercooking.  The traditional Christmas pudding takes 
> many hours, several when freshly made then put away to store and 
> resteamed for some more hours before serving.
> Roger

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