[Magdalen] listgive opened

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Fri Dec 26 03:15:12 UTC 2014

I'm glad you like it, Cady. That stone was just looking for the right
person to wear it. Merry Christmas!

On Thursday, December 25, 2014, cady soukup <cadyasoukup at gmail.com> wrote:

> Puttering around the kitchen this morning, trying to clean up a bit, I
> started to unpile some things and found a box from Jay Weigel !!
> "Delivered" on Christmas!
> It's a lovely Laguna lace agate (from Mexico) with mesmerizing wave
> patterns in it, wire-wrapped in Jay's beautiful way that accentuates
> the stone. Very nice! You can see some examples of her work at
> http://agq-design.com
> Thank you Jay. As a rock & gem enthusiast, your pendant could hardly
> be more perfect. I will try very hard to make a trip your way to see
> more of your beautiful work.
> Happy Christmas-tide hugs to all, may the season bring blessings to
> you and yours - Cady

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