[Magdalen] Listgive has landed

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 22:10:13 UTC 2014

And did I say just how dee-vine the hand cream smells:  rosemary and 
myrhh (!) and lemon (my fave).

I'm sure my travelling days are not over and I hope we will meet again 
down there.

Warm thoughts and memories.

Marion, a pilgrim
On 12/30/2014 5:04 PM, cady soukup wrote:
> So glad it arrived within Christmas season!
> The chutney & jelly is rather like sending coals to Newcastle,
> methinks, but they are really good and locally sourced (for me, that
> is). I like to support our tiny local community products. I'd send you
> some highly thought of Rye Whiskey from Copper Fox distillery, but the
> price of their blue-top botLove it!tle is astronomical!
> The books are from the National Cathedral, a resource for us all, and
> where I last saw you. I do hope to see you again to give you a hug in
> person & have a few wonderful conversations!
> hugs anyway - Cady
> On 12/30/14, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com> wrote:
>> A lovely big box from Cady today.  There's Virginia Spiced Plum Chutney,
>> Red Pepper Jelly, and some hand-crafted hand cream -- and there is
>> Margaret Truman's _Murder at the National Cathedral_ and last, but far
>> from least, Desmond Tutu's _God has a Dream._ What a delightful and
>> generous gift!  Thanks so much, Cady.   The pleasure will last quite
>> awhile, methinks.
>> Marion, a pilgrim

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