[Magdalen] medical terminology

ROGER STOKES roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Nov 1 19:38:01 UTC 2014

Where's the "Like" button on this list?


 From: Jim Guthrie <jguthrie at pipeline.com>
To: magdalen at herberthouse.org 
Sent: Saturday, November 1, 2014 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] medical terminology

From: Scott Knitter

>"If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to tell you more than I know."

Charlie Hallock, the House of Representatives half of the old "Ev and Charlie 
Show" As the Eisenhower-era GOP minority leaders were known) was famous for 

"In the House of Representatives, we do not allow anyone to speak for more than 
5 minutes -- and I've found that the average House Member can tell you pretty 
much everything he knows in that five minutes. In the Senate, they can speak for 
days on end, and it takes that long for the average Senator to prove he knows as 
much as a member of the House."

Jim Guthrie 

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