[Magdalen] weather/temps...

Lynn Ronkainen ichthys89 at comcast.net
Fri Nov 14 22:48:22 UTC 2014

Susan H>These are Cuddl Duds.
> Why do manufacturers of women's underwear give them such stupid names?

I feel the same way...

website: www.ichthysdesigns.com

When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I have not a 
single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything You gave me." 
attributed to Erma Bombeck

Thomas Merton writes, "People may spend their whole lives climbing the 
ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is 
leaning against the wrong wall."

"What you seek is seeking you." - Rumi

From: "Susan Hagen" <susanvhagen at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 4:42 PM
To: "magdalen" <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] weather/temps...

> And I bought two more warm undershirts.  My office in the new building
> is nice but chilly and I need the extra layer.  These are Cuddl Duds.
> Why do manufacturers of women's underwear give them such stupid names?
> Scott, I also sometimes wear fingerless arthritis gloves in the office
> since my hands get painful when cold.
> Susan
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Scott Knitter <scottknitter at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Marion Thompson
>> <marionwhitevale at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I wear thermal socks and fleecy slippers.  Maybe I spend too much time 
>>> at
>>> the computer : and should do more housework?  Blecch.
>> I've taken to putting on two pairs of socks: I have some older thin
>> ones that make good "undersocks." I can tell I'm getting old, as my
>> hands and feet tend to be cold.
>> --
>> Scott R. Knitter
>> Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA
> -- 
> Before enlightenment pay bills, do laundry.  After enlightenment pay
> bills, do laundry. 

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