[Magdalen] weather/temps...

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 01:00:29 UTC 2014

You're right.  60F!  I wear bed socks virtually year round -- Raynaud's 
diseasel  It's not bad just now, I guess because the heat pump thing is 
contributing and I was cooking my dinner.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 11/14/2014 6:03 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> I think there's a mistake here
> On 14/11/2014 18:06, Marion Thompson wrote:
>> Except for some warmth in the bathroom, I am doing my best to avoid 
>> all electric heat until it becomes unbearable in the newer part of 
>> the house, where I spend all my time, i/e. frozen fingers and icy 
>> feet, usually around 60C. 
> 60C is darn hot.  Normal body temperature is 37C.
> Roger

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