[Magdalen] Christ, the King

James Handsfield jhandsfield at icloud.com
Thu Nov 20 18:29:39 UTC 2014

I’ve usually interpreted this as Jesus reclaiming the name Kyrios at his death, the name he abandoned in the Incarnation (he emptied himself and took on human form).

Thinking one can behave their way into heaven is an insult to the very foundation of salvation.

Jim Handsfield
jhandsfield at att.net

> On Nov 20, 2014, at 7:23 AM, Sally Davies <sally.davies at gmail.com> wrote:
> But wait a minute...when is Jesus given his Royal name? According to
> Scripture, before he was born, when Mary is told by the angel, "You shall
> call his name, Jesus" (Luke) - or in Matthew's version, as Joseph is told
> to give Mary's child this name, "for he shall save his people".

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