[Magdalen] San Domiano Cross.

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Sun Nov 23 01:11:49 UTC 2014

I ordered a small version of this cross today from a catalog.  I've  always
admired it, and, of course, there is the story of Saint Francis praying  
this cross and having a vision consisting of instructions from God on how  
rebuild His Church.
I tried, many years ago, to persuade the senior warden of the local 
Procathedral to install a large version of this above the altar of that  
but its cost at the time - handmade in Italy - was about $25,000.  It  was
too much for them, of course, but from an architectural point of view,  it
would be stunning in the Procathedral.  The church has a lovely  white
stone (NOT Carrara marble) altar of pleasing proportions, but the  sanctuary
in which it is placed looks empty and lacks focus.  The San Damiano  Cross
would be IMHO the perfect solution.
I've seen this cross perform a similar function in several other  churches
in the past.  The Priory in San Francisco (Episcopal) and the  local
Franciscan Priory Chapel here in Pennsylvania, to name a couple, come
to mind.
The crucified Corpus is unusual in that Christ is looking straight  ahead
at the viewer, and his eyes are wide open.  It's eerie!
Do you suppose a large crucifix of any type would make Episcopalians
nervous?  I think it's a question worth raising.
David Strang.

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