[Magdalen] Why the delay?

Jon Egger revegger at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 21:23:01 UTC 2014

More good words from my boss:

A nation’s shame.

That’s one way to look at the events that have transpired in and around
Ferguson, MO for the last several months and especially last night, and
clearly there’s truth in that point of view.  Racism is still a living evil
in our country, our society.  The fact that the race of those involved is
almost always mentioned is the first proof.  Every news story, every
account of the tragedy includes information phrased something like this:
“Michael Brown, an unarmed, black teenager, was shot by a white policeman,
Officer Darren Wilson.”  Black.  White.  We still notice, so racism is
still with us.  My heart breaks.

But it can also be called the nation’s shame that more violence and
destruction were perpetrated in the streets of Ferguson because the
decision of the Grand Jury was unpopular or considered wrong or unjust.
The end result?  More people have become victims of violence.  I cannot in
any way believe that what happened, even in spite of the express wishes of
Michael Brown’s family, in any way honored the dead or furthered justice.
My heart breaks.

A nation’s challenge.

On the other side of the ongoing tragedy in and around Ferguson, we have
been handed – at much too great a cost, mind you – a renewed insight into
the challenge that lies before us.  Most of you who will receive my message
simply don’t understand what it is like to grow up impoverished, with
limited opportunities, and as part of a racial minority.  I don’t.  I
freely acknowledge it.  But understanding is the key.  Unless we find ways
to understand one another, to relate to one another’s lives and stories, we
will continue to falter in fear of that person who somehow appears

Alongside many other voices from around our denomination and the larger
Church, I call upon us all to pray, to gather peacefully, to listen to one
another, to relate, to understand.  Reconciliation is a core concept of the
Gospel.  The redemption won for us by Our Lord Jesus provides us with an
always open path to reconciliation with God.  The horizontal dimension of
the Gospel is to also achieve that reconciliation one with another, black
with white, male with female, rich with poor, and to see that at the core
we are all one humanity.  We share the same hopes and dreams and
aspirations.  Some of us are closer to realizing those aspirations than
others, and those who can are called to help others on their way, but we
all want to get there.

Let us be about the work of reconciliation.  That is our nation’s challenge
and the challenge of the moment in Ferguson.  To that end, many prayer
meetings are being planned in and around Kansas City.  I know others will
be held in many places around West Missouri, though I don’t know of them
all and, therefore, cannot share details.  Pray.  There’s power in prayer.
It’s important.  Then act.  Prayer without action is prayer undone.  The
following is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi: “Lord, make me an
instrument of thy peace.  Where there is hatred, let me sow love.“  He also
said: “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.
<http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/francisofa109569.html>”  Our
actions are our witness.  Let our actions be from inner peace and bring
peace to those around us.


+Bishop Marty

The Right Reverend Martin S. Field

Eighth Bishop

The Diocese of West Missouri
The Episcopal Church

Grace & peace,

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
> wrote:

> On 25/11/2014 00:22, M J [Mike] Logsdon wrote:
>> It's been definitely set for 8:00 pm Central time, 6:00 pm here, which
>> pleases me as I'll be home in time to catch it live.
> 6 p.m. Pacific means it catches the early evening news there.  9 p.m. EST
> means there is time for trouble to kick off and be seen on the 10 o'clock
> News in NYC and the Eastern seaboard.  Wouldn't an earlier annoincement
> have reduced the potential for any unrest to develop?
>  There's been leaks that the officer won't be indicted, and if so, those
>> of us who remember watching the LA riots live are rather nervous.
>> Especially because this time it's national, and the LA riots will seem like
>> child's play in comparison.
> I hope you are wrong, but that is hope rather than reason.
> Roger

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