[Magdalen] Snowing now

Dorothy Collman dac7792 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 15:42:22 UTC 2014

The sun is shining brightly now, with temperature in mid 30’s. I’m about 15 minutes NW of I-95, the rain/snow cutoff line in PA for this storm. Wednesday afternoon, during a lull in the snow, I decided to clear the ½” of slush from in front of my garage. I was afraid that if the temperature dropped below freezing during the night I would be faced with ½” of ice which I couldn’t have dealt with. I used a plastic snow shovel with a crack in it from some lifting in a prior year. Rather than doing any lifting, I simply pushed the slush to the side of the driveway, and tried to improve the runoff point where the mid-driveway puddle drains to one side. After clearing what I could, leaving a thin layer of slush, I sprinkled a some salt over it. Thursday morning it was mostly dry and quite free of ice.

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Dorothy Collman
Home: DottieAnne at aol.com
List: dac7792 at gmail.com

> On Nov 27, 2014, at 3:33 PM, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com> wrote:
> we are not used to significant exercise using upper body strength.  A shovel full of snow weighs a fair few pounds.

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