[Magdalen] USA Supreme Court Declines.

M J [Mike] Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Mon Oct 6 17:05:36 PDT 2014

>>>Is a federal appeal court likely to uphold a ban when SCOTUS has 
indicated that it does not want to hear such a case and is prepared to 
let other appeal courts' decisions to allow same-sex marriages to 
stand?  The Justices have iondicated that they do not want to intervene 
to support the principle of DOMA on other cases.  Would they be 
sympathetic to an appeal from another cirtcuit that went against that view?<<<

I believe so, considering how Their refusal to hear today was in reference to the particular cases on their desk, not any and all cases potential cases.  If a circuit bench upholds a ban that hasn't reared its head yet to the SCOTUS, I believe it's a fresh game, WHICH is why, if such happens, since it would be against the current trend trickling down from SCOTUS, They would probably be required to deal with it directly.

Others, please clarify/correct as need be.
"O perplexed discomposition, O riddling
distemper, O miserable condition of man!"
- The Rev Mr John Donne
(in a not-so-chipper moment)

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