[Magdalen] Ginga's bishop

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 13:59:21 PDT 2014

Wow!  Thanks for the news, Grace. Bp vonRosenberg is a very kind and good
man.  We are so fortunate that he is at the SC helm.  Annie vonRosenberg is
just wonderful.    I hope you told them about our email lists...and that
the good folk here saved my spiritual and emotional health over the years
of the schism.

Hope you had a good time at Convocation.  Our Priest-in-Charge was there
celebrating his 50th anniversary of graduating.  The Rev. Al Votaw - he's
just as good and gifted as the vonRosenbergs.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was at Virginia Seminary the past couple of days for my 25-year class
> reunion and got talking with a woman who turned out to be Rosenberg's wife.
> I told her how happy folks were to have him there and mentioned Ginga and
> their new little congregation. I repeated my comment about how happy folks
> are to have him, and she said, "Well, he's right behind you, so you can
> tell him!"  So I did! What a lovely man! He had very kind words for Ginga
> and the members of Good Shepherd.

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