[Magdalen] gas prices?

Lynn Ronkainen ichthys89 at comcast.net
Sat Oct 25 20:13:48 UTC 2014

Business model, of course, is not pollution but it is it the natural effect 
of their enterprise. Corporate producers of air pollution make things that 
involve crude oil: gasoline, plastics, chemicals... virtually the backbone 
of most other manufacturing needs, who also pollute. Great strides have been 
made in many cases and areas to address water pollution, but as we saw in WV 
last year, there are still exceptions.

When pollution can be fixed, and if laws have been enacted for that purpose, 
they should be enforced.  Back in the day ('70s), NY and CA were the first 
to jump on the bandwagon of addressing these problems, TX, for instance has 
been fighting them ever since.  Stopping corporate pollution would cost 
money  which would certainly be passed on to consumers, but we either pay 
for it that way or through illness of ourselves or those who are less 
fortunate and cost us money in the long run through health needs, diminished 
intelligence... all needs that are then met through our tax dollars... so 
once again we ARE paying.

If you are attempting to create a circular argument it fails because it is 
quite possible to reduce/eliminate most of the pollution that is created by 
producing what is then marketed as another product causing pollution. Right 
now the polluters pollute heavily while making products that do the same. 
One can be eliminated, the other can only be modified.


website: www.ichthysdesigns.com

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From: "Jim Guthrie" <jguthrie at pipeline.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 11:44 AM
To: <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] gas prices?

> From: Lynn Ronkainen
>>One of the problems with talking about carbon footprints and 'personal 
>>use' of
>>pollutants is that we won't ever  compare to corporate polluters who can 
>>often (regionally) don't do anything much to 'fix' their problems.    In
> I tend to doubt that their business model is making pollution.The surely 
> make
> something for which there is a market.Addressing that market would seem to 
> be
> the answer.
> What do they produce?
> Cheers,
> Jim 

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