[Magdalen] Computer woes

Charles Wohlers charles.wohlers at verizon.net
Mon Oct 27 02:56:18 UTC 2014

You need to boot from the recovery disk (i. e., it's in the CD drive when 
you turn the computer on), and that disk must have all of your operating 
system on it.

-----Original Message----- 
From: P. Dan Brittain
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:30 PM
To: magdalen at herberthouse.org
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] Computer woes

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Charles Wohlers <
charles.wohlers at verizon.net> wrote:

> -
> Yes - after all, the drive you bought will have nothing whatsoever on it.
> You'll also have to format it and partition it (if desired). The recovery
> disks (Windows 7?) should cover this. Remove the old drive and replace it
> with the new one.

New disk is in; powered up. Now, I can't get past the first screen.
Software for the mouse is not on, of course. But I can't figure out how to
navigate to get things started. Tab doesn't seem to advance anything, nor
do the ctrl/alt/windows, keys go to the highlighted tab of start now. Enter
button doesn't do anything.

> You'll also need the install disks for all your programs (e. g.,
> MSOffice), and will need to reinstall those.

The recovery disk is supposed to bring things back to factory defaults.

"Factory defaults" does NOT include any software you may have installed. 
Most certainly will not include MSOffice, for example.

Chad Wohlers
Woodbury, VT USA
chadwohl at satucket.com

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