[Magdalen] Snake juice.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 01:35:48 UTC 2014

Like I said, I'm not questioning your having it, I am deploring the 
general practice of killing creatures for   what I would call are 
frivolous reasons, whether cobra vodka or tiger wine or ivory or 
rhinoceros horn or monkey brains or snake blood or .....

Marion, a pilgrim
On 10/27/2014 9:29 PM, M J [Mike] Logsdon wrote:
> Some cultures believe that certain animal carcasses can impart vitality.  Part of the illegal tiger trade in China is for "tiger wine", often only with the bones, but sometimes with the entire carcass, only skinned.
> Why did I do it?  It was there, and my buddy was buying.  Now I can say I did it.  He knows it'll never happen again.
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> "O perplexed discomposition, O riddling
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> - The Rev Mr John Donne
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