[Magdalen] Pistorius Trial.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 12:07:50 PDT 2014

I have no problem understanding, probably because I have had lots of 
exposure to those accents and generally have a good ear for such 
things.  Myself, I know it's a stretch, but I hope he gets community 
service or something light.  That's me.

Marion, a pilgrim   ... today my sail I lift ....
On 9/12/2014 1:08 PM, Sally Davies wrote:
> Yes - the accents are very different. However, it seems to be accepted in
> broadcasting and film media that Americans, in particular, struggle to
> understand 'foreign' accents. On the first animated movie that Keith worked
> on, Adventures in Zambezia, almost all the original South African cast had
> to be replaced with American voices in order to have any hope of an
> American release deal.
> We did well out of it, with some great voices including Samuel L. Jackson,
> but it pressed the budget past breaking point. So your experience, David,
> is probably 'par for the course' in the USA.
> Perhaps in countries like the UK, where regional accents vary extensively,
> people just get used to following these different accents? To us as South
> Africans Aussies and New Zealanders sound nothing like us, but when I first
> went to the UK people would often enquire whether I came from Down Under,
> or even from Canada.
> I'm weary of the Oscar trial now but suspect we may not be done with it as
> the State is not going to like this verdict. The Director of Public
> Prosecutions has been in court which has me wondering if they're going to
> appeal. I don't like the verdict myself because according to me if someone
> loads a gun with that type of ammunition, they're already intending to kill
> someone.
> Sally D
> On Friday, 12 September 2014, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> There has been very heavy USA media coverage of this trial
>> which seems to have dragged on forever.
>> Yesterday there were comments during this TV coverage from
>> five different South Africans, both black (the judge) and white,
>> (including Pistorius).
>> The judge was only partially comprehensible to me, but I suspect
>> that for her, maybe English is a second language (?)
>> The other four were variably understood by me, probably secondary
>> to some very unusual (to me) vowel pronunciation.
>> I had forgotten that South Africa has its own strong regional accent,
>> as I keep lumping South Africans in with Aussies and New Zealanders.
>> If these five on the news are any indication, my assumptions are
>> obviously simplistic.
>> David Strang - Struggling with his own Great Northern Cities Vowel  Shift.
> .

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