[Magdalen] Archie

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 13:23:12 PDT 2014

So, have I said that Archie has joined the household?  He is a sweet 
kitten, just 3 months old.  Grey on top and white under with hints of 
almost pinky-beigey calico around his face and in two splodges on his 
front legs.  Purring and very playful and great lap snoozer, his 
preferred perch when not being Active.

Tipper, need I say, is NOT pleased.  I thought she might enjoy having 
some non-threatening company, but it is clear that this is HER turf and 
she doesn't like sharing.  It has been a zoo and I was exhausted! Since 
last Thursday things have calmed down to today's grudging acceptance and 
she is relaxing somewhat.  In the beginning, she redefined hostile and 
rebuffed all little Archie's well-intentioned approaches with hisses and 
swipes and chasing. Poor little gaffer.  But he has persevered and is 
prevailing, although the lion has yet to lie down with the lamb!

Marion, a pilgrim .... today my sail I lift ....

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