[Magdalen] Archie

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 14:42:01 PDT 2014

That's right:  there's room for only one cook in a kitchen.  As to the 
other, things are positively peaceful now.

Marion, a pilgrim
On 9/16/2014 5:37 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> On 16/09/2014 21:51, Jay Weigel wrote:
>> It's always territorial at first, and in my experience females are a 
>> little
>> worse.
> Isn't that true whatever the species?  Among humans I believe that 
> applies particularly to kitchens.
> As for Marion's situation, I am sure it will settle down in a week or 
> two.
> Roger

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