[Magdalen] Small wedding prayer request

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 18 01:06:52 PDT 2014

On 18/09/2014 01:28, Charles Wohlers wrote:
> Older son Thomas is to be married this coming Saturday, at St. James’, Cambridge MA, where he is on vestry. He has health issues: Crohn’s Disease & epilepsy. Both of these – especially the epilepsy – are exacerbated by stress and lack of sleep, both of which are in abundant supply right now. So, prayers that he will get needed sleep and stay healthy for the next several days.
> I’d also ask for prayers that the wedding goes well, but my experience is that weddings always go well, in spite of whatever problems arise (e. g., no organist because she got arrested on her way to the wedding – happened to one of Lee’s best friends).

Prayers indeed.  Perhaps my funniest wedding moment was when the police 
brought the groom and best man to the church.  They had been staying 
some distance away and the car they had hired broke down so a new one 
was sent to fetch them.  That, in turn, broke down so West Yorkshire's 
finest came to the rescue and provided the transport in a liveried 
police car.  The officers entered into the spirit of the occasion and 
there were some wedding photos with a difference that day. :-)


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