[Magdalen] This saying No is tough

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 22 16:23:46 PDT 2014

On 22/09/2014 20:44, Scott Knitter wrote:
> I think what's dysfunctional is the "tradition" that people who start 
> doing a job in the parish continue doing that job for all time and 
> eternity. So no one new steps up. 

That is certainly dysfunctional - but all too common in the Church. 
Nobody wants to volunteer to do X for fear of upsetting A who has been 
doing it since the days of Noah.  As I prepare to leave my present 
charge I have reminded people of the need to cover the routine tasks I 
have undertaken - but with under a month to go they are still unclear as 
to the detail of what needs doing.

Succession planning is necessary, but there seems to be an unwillingness 
to engage in its implementation in the Church.


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