[Magdalen] Back to school today (+).

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 13:49:22 PDT 2014

Don't take it so hard, Mike. He's a teenager, after all. They are allowed
days like this, whether we like them or not. It's part of the whole
obnoxious process of growing up. I would discuss it with him at some point
though, just enough to let him know you don't find it acceptable behavior

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 4:24 PM, M J [Mike] Logsdon <mjl at ix.netcom.com>

> Everett returned from his weeklong stay in Oregon yesterday, and the visit
> with extended Santana family was both enjoyable and instructive (in that
> he'd never encountered these people as a thinking "near-adult"
> previously).  That was good.
> Then this morning happened.  I can only say that it started well, at home,
> with him merely wondering how well he'd survive the day "jet
> lag"-speaking.  Then, he got to school.  I won't give details except to say
> he was uncharacteristically late to class (30 second or so, no big deal),
> and then, according to his teacher, began an approx hour-long Narcissism
> Show, causing way more trouble then he's ever caused yet in his so far 2.25
> years in that classroom.  His teacher, via phone with me, was good-natured
> about the whole ordeal, believing that by that time (an hour in) the worst
> of it was over; but hearing the litany of what had happened in just the
> hour prior really depressed me, nearly made me sick.  All the more reason
> to remain thankful he's still very much a part of a special ed program
> geared toward the "emotionally disturbed".  I'll talk with him about it
> later only if he brings it up; if he doesn't I'll just allow the day to
> have been punishment enough.
> _________________________________________
> "O perplexed discomposition, O riddling
> distemper, O miserable condition of man!"
> - The Rev Mr John Donne
> (in a not-so-chipper moment)

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