[Magdalen] Back to school today (+).

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 16:00:18 PDT 2014

My guess is, given the fact that he's just spent a week with his mom,
(right?) today was just a delayed reaction to all of that. Our Sam did that
kind of thing.I learned to more or less expect it.

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 6:54 PM, M J [Mike] Logsdon <mjl at ix.netcom.com>

> >>>So no need to get depressed over it. Teenagers will be teenagers
> (grrrrrrrr). Just waiting for my grandsons to start amping it up.<<<
> Everett and I have often discussed (disgust?) who in the end will be best
> able to claim s/he had it worst in raising him, his mother for the 5-13
> patch, or me.  He and I tend to believe it's me, not because he's a
> teenager, mind you (he is, after all, more than semi-rational), but because
> of all the "fixin' up" I had to do after the myriad of experiences and
> situations (not all of which were truly safe, if one recalls) she provided
> for the two of them during those years.  On the flipside, she had the
> "pleasure" of not being employed many of those years so she could "focus"
> on raising him, which I certainly didn't have.
> _________________________________________
> "O perplexed discomposition, O riddling
> distemper, O miserable condition of man!"
> - The Rev Mr John Donne
> (in a not-so-chipper moment)

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