[Magdalen] Church as Personality Robert Schuller RIP

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 18:13:05 UTC 2015

Maybe it was dogs.  Or maybe yahoos on those ATV things.

On 4/4/2015 1:53 PM, ME Michaud wrote:
> Cripes, an enormous doe just tore by the window, tongue hanging
> out. As if she were being pursued, but I saw no coyote.
> The crow family, when they gather, seems to be making a safe space
> for squirrels. I only see squirrels on the ground when the crows are
> nearby.
> Yesterday the trill of the red-wing blackbird (my mother's favorite).
> Today heavy buffeting winds and whitecaps on the bay. March
> winds, the kind that knock bud casings off the trees so early leaves
> may unfurl.
> -M, with friends in Plymouth

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