[Magdalen] Church as Personality Robert Schuller RIP

FCBasle at aol.com FCBasle at aol.com
Sat Apr 4 18:35:36 UTC 2015

M (sorry don't know you full Christian name) 
I wonder if the problem is that Franklin is trying to walk in the steps of  
his father - something the Schuller children haven't apparently had to do
In a message dated 04/04/2015 18:45:40 GMT Daylight Time,  
michaudme at gmail.com writes:

Errr ...  Phillips Brooks? Great preacher, low church, still a dominant
figure here  over a hundred years after his death. Trinity is no
Crystal Cathedral, but  built with the big money he  attracted.


Brooks had no children, of  course.

I certainly agree about Franklin Graham. His popup ads about  Jesus'
love of America always makes me want to spit "He loved  PEOPLE,
not countries, ya git."

On Saturday, April 4,  2015, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:

> I could be  wrong, but ISTM that it is more likely to happen in
> non-eucharistic  churches where the focus is so much on preaching rather
> than on  liturgy. Think about it....Schuller and Billy Graham both came 
>  these traditions, and look where their offspring have got to.  Especially
> Graham's. Franklin Graham gives me the  creeps.

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