[Magdalen] Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Sun Apr 5 22:01:32 UTC 2015

Oh, Lesley, this sounds glorious!  Despite an overnight snowfall that left
a dusting on cars and roofs (this is how I remember Easter in Buffalo, and
it makes me miss the Tennessee springtime), we had a great day.  I'm using
printed bulletins that are essentially our BCP Rite 2 Eucharist, but the
"Alleluia.  Christ is Risen." and response, were omitted.  They also use
the traditional (rather than contemporary language) Lord's Prayer, which I
don't prefer.  I will be correcting all for next week, but we improvised
this week, and all was well.  We had a big crowd (about 100 in our church),
with two little babies and lots of kids, including them chiming from the
choir loft.  All was glorious and festive.  This year I've encountered a
very strange phenomenon for me -- I don't write sermons anymore.  Maybe I'm
missing some profundities that I might convey if I put pen (or printer) to
paper, but I don't seem to have lost much in the process.

I hope all are having a blessed Christmas.  I've forgone a family dinner
with friends for something more quiet and solitary.  My butterflied leg of
lamb is on the grill, the asparagus is in the oven roasting on a high
temperature, and I'm about to sit down to a lovely dinner.

Alleluia, Christ is Risen!


The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY
ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
blog:  www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com

On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 5:21 PM, Lesley de Voil <lesleymdv at gmail.com> wrote:

> A Happy and Blessed Easter to you all!
> It's now Easter Monday over here, and I think I'm on the recovery
> track after three services yesterday.
> It's some years since this my present parish has had a Dawn Service,
> but despite a week of rainy weather, Easter Day itself dawned fine, if
> cloudy and rather damp underfoot. The sun was valiantly trying to
> lighten the clouds as our small brave band held the first communion of
> the day under a poinciana tree in the grounds. I played the electric
> piano, which for safety's sake was installed under the hall verandah,
> which also necessitated turning the volume up to carry across the
> grass. As the church is next door to some of the local eateries, we
> had some rather interesting comments from the early diners - one lady
> was so enthused with the sounds she wanted to know when we were going
> to put out a CD!
> At the succeeding services, we started with Jesus Christ Is Risen
> Today - but we don't use EARTH AND ALL STARS in Australia. I must have
> had a hankering for the Paschal Candle Procession  of my youth, for I
> decided to  play EASTER HYMN in three successively higher keys, one
> per verse. It was fun, if not quite as exciting as singing "The Light
> of Christ" in successively higher keys as the Paschal Candle is
> brought in procession into the dimly lit church. (Let the reader
> understand - the present Rector is not quite as liturgically-minded as
> some...)
> During our third service a baby (about 4 months old) was christened.
> Unusually, the infant seemed to be quite happy in church. During the
> lnvocation Over the Waters, the Rector's mike picked up the sounds the
> baby made. It was lovely to hear the sounds of the splashing water
> mixed with the baby's coos and gurgles. May her happiness at being in
> church long continue!
> Our small  choir sang our standard piece for when numbers are down,
> Morley's O Sing Unto the Lord. Never mind, I look forward to the day
> when we can do Haec Dies again, instead.
> Now we have the dedication of our new Sanctuary stained glass windows
> to prepare for in two weeks' time. This will be a public occasion,
> that is, not part of our regular Sunday service, attended by the
> Governor-General.
> Regards
> Lesley de Voil
> On 4/6/15, Ginga Wilder <gingawilder at gmail.com> wrote:
> > The Lord is risen, indeed!
> >
> > Easter blessings to each and all.
> > Ginga
> >
> > On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Susan Hagen <susanvhagen at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Wishing you all a blessed Easter
> >> Susan
> >>
> >> --
> >> Before enlightenment pay bills, do laundry.  After enlightenment pay
> >> bills,
> >> do laundry.
> >>
> >

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