[Magdalen] prayerr request

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Wed Apr 15 23:20:32 UTC 2015

Management by walking around is incredibly important.  How can you 
manage effectively if you don't know what's going on where the rubber 
meets the road? Sometimes we have a TV series where the man at the top 
of a company goes and does the job of an ordinary worker, without his 
new colleagues knowing who he is.  There he sees what goes on, 
recognizes potential and the everyday problems that need sorting.

One of my major gripes about the Church of England is that our bishops 
do not know what life is like in a typical parish.  They have never 
served in one and they only visit them to institute a new incumbent with 
the words "receive this cure which is both yours and mine".  Rubbish.  
They do not accept effective responsibility for the cure of souls in 
that parish, and if anything goes wrong it is the incumbent's fault.

"If in doubt delegate" might seem to some an abrogation of 
responsibility when it is really empowering the other person and making 
use of their insight - particularly if they are closer to the situation 
and have the experience to be able to intuit what should happen.


On 15/04/2015 23:57, Jon Egger wrote:
> Our VA nurses were unionized.  Charge nurse was delegated out to the nurse
> with most seniority on the tour of duty.  I was the night shift charge
> nurse (On the "A team, as we called it.) for about the last 6 years that I
> worked.
> Each charge nurse handled their duties differently.  I came in early to
> talk with the day charge nurse and the resident MOD (Medical Officer of the
> Day) to see how things were going, then I'd introduce myself to the
> patients and families (if around).
> I used two tools that helped me immensely:
> MBWA - management by walking around
> and
> WIDD - when in doubt, delegate
> Supervisors and Nurse Managers were amazed that that the A team night shift
> always ran smoother.
> +++
> Grace & peace,
> Deacon Jon Egger
> *“In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who
> has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to
> deceive and overawe the People."(Eugene V. Debs, Anti-War Speech, June 16,
> 1918) *
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 10:07 PM, Georgia DuBose <gdubose at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Prayers for both of you, with love.
>> Georgia+
>> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Clarissa Canning <canplum at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Just need some prayer for my depression cycling now. I am really
>> frustrated
>>> about being a head of a group that never can make decisions. We rarely
>> have
>>> meetings and the last went by too few could make it.  I was just handed
>> the
>>> job.I don't mind doing it in a meeting and collecting the monies and
>>> getting it done, but this did not happen and the RRSP is already late. .
>>> Herding cats is infiriating.  I have been on such group for years and it
>>> was never like this!
>>> Prayers for my spouse and working with the congregation. He deals with
>> all
>>> the cats and how they fit so well into the way the city does things.

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