[Magdalen] Bernie

Scott Knitter scottknitter at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 23:40:37 UTC 2015

We in the states of course do not elect the president but elect electors
who elect the president. :)
On Aug 3, 2015 6:36 PM, "Marion Thompson" <marionwhitevale at gmail.com> wrote:

> Up here we harbour the illusion that we actually elect a party and whoever
> heads that party will be the Prime Minister.  unfortunately, we have
> drifted hard onto the rocks of the American way so that our voters believe
> they are actually electing the individual for that officeand not so much
> the party.
> Marion, a pilgrim
> On 8/3/2015 7:24 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
>> On 03/08/2015 23:15, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
>>> My wife and I have both agreed to vote for Bernie in the primary, and
>>> then
>>> probably for Hilary in the general election. Though I think I'd prefer
>>> Biden over Clinton.
>> That makes sense - you want Biden to be the Democratic Party candidate.
>> If he does not get the nomination then you will vote for the person who is
>> likely to be the candidate rather than abstain or vote for the Republican
>> candidate.  That is how I believe it should be in the US system.  When I
>> was in Florida last year, long before alternative candidates for the
>> Democrat's nomination appeared, somebody said to me that she dodn't want
>> Hillary but would vote for her in preference to a Republican.
>> Roger

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