[Magdalen] First day of school.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 10 22:15:37 UTC 2015

On 10/08/2015 22:50, Ann Markle wrote:
> Seems to me that I remember my high school going to a mandatory system (way
> back when, shortly after I graduated; who knows about now), where boys took
> at least a semester of home ec - basic cooking, following a recipe, basic
> nutrition, etc.  Girls took a semester of "shop" (what the boys took),
> which involved some very basic repairs, use of tools, including power
> tools, basic car maintenance (how to change a tire, how to change your own
> oil, etc.), maybe how to make some simple project (like a bookcase).  I
> thought that was a great idea.

Great idea but making a bookcase a simple project?  My books would have 
ended up on the floor.


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