[Magdalen] Dream On.

Georgia DuBose gdubose at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 00:34:51 UTC 2015

I've had the dream about not studying for the final, but it actually
happened. I had the date confused for my American history final. I
still managed a B when I showed up unprepared.

For European Intellectual History, I came to class to discover that
the final project for the course was also due a week earlier than I
thought. Fortunately, I had come 45 minutes earlier to sit around and
chat with the crowd that took that course. Everyone was putting their
papers together. I was quite upset. However, I had my calligraphy pens
and good paper with me, and I sat outside the class and wrote a
sonnet, more or less in the style of Dryden, whom we had discussed in
the class as representative of the Enlightenment, along with Pope. I
tossed in a few Enlightenment catchphrases, and dedicated it to
"Phyllida." I re-wrote it in calligraphy, and handed it in. I got an

I did this sort of thing 3 times in college. (I was a decent,
sometimes inspired, but very badly organized student.) I wrote a paper
for Medieval English Literature, with Mac Gatch (whom Don Boyd may
remember) the night before it was due. He gave me a B+ for writing
style, and a D- for content, averaging it to a C, and told me that my
glibness would be my downfall. I think he was probably easier on me
than he should have been because I used to babysit for him and

Anyway, I have had quite a few of those dreams, and you can see why.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 9:37 AM, Eleanor Braun <eleanor.braun at gmail.com> wrote:
> I read once that your #2 dream (final exam for course not studied) is one
> of the most common dreams ever.  I've had it a few times.  In the dream,
> I'm a senior in high school, and have been suffering from senioritis, and
> suddenly discover a final is scheduled.  That didn't happen in real life,
> but I've still had the dream.  It seems like a stand-in for anxiety,
> especially from not being prepared for something coming up in life.
> Eleanor
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 12:32 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> I had one of those theme dreams last night.  There are three  themes
>> that pop up in such dreams a couple or more times per year, and I
>> seem to remember them the next day.
>> Themes:
>> (1)  I am back in the Upper Midwest at the clinic (now part of  the
>> Mayo Clinic System), and involved in the usual almost Byzantine
>> politics that go on in such a place (last night's dream).
>> (2)  I'm in college, sometimes as an undergraduate, and other  times
>> in medical school, and I realize I need to take a final exam in a  course
>> I've not studied, and not attended.  This is so strange because I  have
>> never had such a situation.
>> (3)  I've been reactivated into the US Army Medical Corps, and sent  back
>> to the 97th General Army Hospital, Frankfurt/M, Germany.
>> Oddly, at least yet, I'm not having any dreams set into the 30-odd  years
>> I worked at the local VAMC.  Maybe that will come later?
>> In any case, I wake up from these dreams before things really get  dicey.
>> David Strang.

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