[Magdalen] Education.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Dec 5 00:00:26 UTC 2015

On 04/12/2015 23:39, Charles Wohlers wrote:
> This is (or was - my experience goes back ~30 years) common in the 
> Northeast in RC parishes, and it indeed is, in effect,  an admission 
> charge. There is a separate collection later - usually with guys with 
> baskets on long poles which they slide down the pew - much more 
> efficient, I guess, than "passing the plate".

My experience in RC churches has been passing the collection bag at what 
I regard as the offertory and then a second collection for that week's 
cause as you leave.  "Admission free, pay to get out."


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