[Magdalen] Health surprise

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 02:19:26 UTC 2015

Impressive, Scott!  Good for you!

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> In a message dated 12/11/2015 1:48:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> revcphillips at gmail.com writes:
> Hooray,  Scott!>>>>
> Onward to (age) 100, Scott  :-)
> There is something to be said for all this blood testing  nowadays.  I
> suspect
> without aspirin and simvastatin, I'd be quickly headed for trouble,  since
> everyone on both sides of my family tree, dies of heart-related  causes.
> Yet, my lipid tests have been normal for years, and I've been on  the
> Harvard Cardiac Study for at least 40 years (the one about aspirin  and
> the heart) as well as simvastatin for 25 years.
> Last year when I had cardiac catheterization and witnessed the  good
> patency of my myocardial arteries first hand, my cardiologist  joked
> that I "could live to 100."
> We'll see.
> David Strang.

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