[Magdalen] Parish in crisis, was Re: Some Christmas music

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 22:05:09 UTC 2015

Has the group of people in pain over all of this (not the ones that are in 
pain because they want it 'their way') thought about going in a small 
representative group and speaking to the Bishop directly?

There was a very dysfunctional situation in my dio about 30 years ago and it 
turns out that is what was done (outside of the vestry or usual channels) 
and it had a positive outcome.  And we are a very by-the-book diocese so 
this was risky behavior on the part of that small band, but I've met some of 
them and they said it was the best thing they every did. No whining, but 
genuine truth telling and laying it all out.  Even then things did not move 
fast but they began the process.

prayers continue for this truly difficult and sad situation

website: www.ichthysdesigns.com

When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I have not a 
single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything You gave me." 
attributed to Erma Bombeck
 "Either Freedom for all or stop talking about Freedom at all" from a talk 
by Richard Rohr

From: "Scott Knitter" <scottknitter at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 3:48 PM
To: "Magdalen at herberthouse.org" <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] Parish in crisis, was Re: Some Christmas music

> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Molly Wolf <lupa at kos.net> wrote:
>> The bishop definitely needs to be involved.
> I'm sure he has been from behind the scenes, via his assistant, and I
> think he's met with the Vestry, but he's long overdue for either
> putting in an appearance in church (special meeting, maybe) or
> communicating to the parish via mailed letter what his view is on how
> we need to proceed and what behavior is not acceptable. He needs to
> kick a**. Like a boss.
> -- 
> Scott R. Knitter
> Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA 

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