[Magdalen] Latest - Further prayer; the Latest.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Mon Dec 21 22:09:51 UTC 2015

Tomorrow morning is my appt at the wound center ( http://www.svmh.com/services/wound_healing_center.aspx ), and based upon the fact that my desire to see the infection specialist on Wednesday was overridden (via reviewing my chart from the ER) by the necessity of seeing the head of the place on Tuesday instead, the head being a plastic surgeon, makes me think, Mr Brittain, that I've got some of that coming my way, sooner or later.  (In fact, the moment you said what led to your skin graft made me instantly realise that what with how long mine's been in the works -- way longer than yours was -- some of that for me is most likely in the cards.)

The fun is that the doc I'll be seeing is the son of one of my favorite jazz cornetists ( http://www.cellblock7.net/ - he's in front, second from the left).  Once we meet, all I'll need to say is "Cell Block 7", and the conversation will proceed accordingly!

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