[Magdalen] Thank you Sheila Ketler for the wonderful Christmas gifts.

ROGER STOKES roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 25 18:48:20 UTC 2015

Thank you, Judy, for your gift to me which I opened this afteernoon while my grandchildren were having their afternoon nap.  I had woken up from mine earlier than them :-)  Two young children can be very tiring to be around!  It's many years since I read "Revelations of Divine Love" and I don't know what has happened to the copy I had.  This reminded me that I really should reread Mother Julian's reflections on her visions.They contin great insights which I would benefit from reflecting on again at this stage of my life so thanks again Judy. I may even visit Muskegon a week or so before her feat next year.

On Friday, 25 December 2015, 14:43, Judy Fleener <fleenerj at gmail.com> wrote:


 I opened your package this morning.  


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