[Magdalen] Do you remeber or know these carols?

Ian Gomersall ian.gomersall at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 09:07:08 UTC 2015

Dear Joe,

The Cowley Carol Book, I am sure, is now out of copyright.

Thank you so much fro trying to identify the Carols mentioned. Someone
found one of the Carols we were looking for - see the comments at:
  (we included part of your helpful comment too).

Sr Linfa CHN who raised "*A mantle of frost and a carpet of snow" *is from
S Wales and so it may just be that is a regional one. The area is not
particulalrly Welsh speaking but does have some distinctive traditions.
We're hoping we'll find out!


*Ian Gomersall*

On 28 December 2015 at 01:18, Joseph Cirou <romanos at mindspring.com> wrote:

> Looked up those titles in "Diehl" No luck. that the standard reference for
> hymns in the US. Before the real age of computers it contained all the
> hymnals and text and tunes in US hymnals until about 1964 including the
> then proposed United Methodist Hymnal published later in the 60's and
> superseded by at least one major edition.
> The book is still in print and has not been updated. Someone has some work
> to do, to replicate what the editor accomplished with little to none
> computer aids 51 years ago.
> the other hymns were familiar especially Rocking and The Lord at First Did
> Adam Make. We have a good Slavic population in the US; so what may have
> appeared as novelties in the UK are relatively familiar in areas that have
> Czech and other Slavic groups especially for  Christmas. I have Rocking in
> a standard carol collection for voice and piano that I use.  Of course I am
> a huge fan of hymns and carols in particular.
> I enjoyed the Cowley Carol Book, I had been looking for it since the mid
> 60's. What are the rights on the original harmonization from Cowley of On
> Easter Morn At Break of Day? We sang it in school, and I saw the credits
> and had been looking for the original after singing the Shaw-Parker
> arrangement for years. We had that tune in our seminary hymnal, and I
> haven't carefully looked (after all these years) of determining whether the
> acc was the original or cobbed from the Shaw-Parker arrangement in a lower
> key. It was omitted from later editions of our seminary hymnal, but I have
> seen a version where it had been included. I wonder if there were copyright
> problems or just the judgment that the tune was best sung by the choir and
> not congregation (at least in the 50's 60's) I have always been proud of
> our pre Vatican II music staff which introduced Oxford Book of Carols
> material to a Roman Catholic congregation of major seminaries between 1945
> and 1960. We knew all about a Virgin Unspotted and the Sussex Mummers Carol
> (which was a favorite) for years.
> Joe
> Joe Cirou
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Ian Gomersall <ian.gomersall at gmail.com>
> >Sent: Dec 27, 2015 2:57 PM
> >To: "Magdalen at herberthouse.org" <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
> >Subject: [Magdalen] Do you remeber or know these carols?
> >
> >At Church we've been talking a little about Carols and we've been asking
> >some of our people about Carols they've not heard for awhile.
> >
> >See
> https://stchrysostoms.wordpress.com/2015/12/27/remember-these-carols/
> >
> >Two came up which which only the person themselves seemed to have heard
> of.
> >I wondered if anyone here knew them:
> >
> >"*A mantle of frost and a carpet of snow, *and
> >
> >*Cold was the moon but the heart of man was colder."*
> >
> >I know those who suggested them would love to see the full words and even
> >music.
> >Anyone able to help (do feel free to share with someone you feel may know
> >if you wish)
> >
> >Thank you and best wishes this Cristmastime.
> >
> >*Ian Gomersall*

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