[Magdalen] The Gift

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 12:57:15 UTC 2015

Since long before the schism, in the dark splintering years, my friend
Steve Skardon has maintained a blog entitled *SC Episcopalians. * Steve has
an amazing command of the language and tells it like it is.

In these last days of 2015 or the early days of 2016, some anticipate that
the SC Supreme Court will issue its opinion on the appeal of the lower
court's ruling in the 2013 lawsuit brought against TEC and TECSC.

His entry of December 27, 2015 is entitled The Gift.  Steve has hit the
mark about what the ruling may mean about moving forward for Episcopalians
and members of Lawrence's church.  Let us pray that whatever the ruling, we
will each and all be able to step into our futures as the church, two
denominations, in this place.

Read Skardon's post here:


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