[Magdalen] Bishop Cook: Another unfortunate piece of the story

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Thu Feb 5 02:30:17 UTC 2015

From: Ann Markle

>We had alcohol on a regular basis.  Depending on who hosted the monthly
>parish dinner, a box or several bottles of wine might be out beforehand.
>Certainly at Oktoberfest, there was beer.  At the Easter Vigil we had
>champagne in the chalice, and a champagne reception afterward (with
>leftover champagne on Easter morning after service, but regular red wine in
>the chalice).  It just wasn't a big deal, one way or the other, whether we
>had it, or not.

Most people have enough self control in this atmosphere that they don’t get 
drunk, don’t drive under the influence, and don’t need a support group that will 
judge them as bad people in any case.

I would be concerned if alternatives weren't offered. I'm equally concerned with 
the nonsense that it should not be available to those who like a nice glass of 
wine because a handful of others don’t have the self control to ignore it.

Jim Guthrie

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