[Magdalen] Life's challenges

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 19:35:11 UTC 2015

ah, the art of accepting as well as giving.  For one to be able to give 
or do, someone must be willing to accept.   Of course you are right.   
i'm so very bad at asking.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 2/26/2015 2:18 PM, ME Michaud wrote:
> Aren't asking-for-prayer and asking-for-help related somehow?
> When I first was not walking right, I was very prideful about asking
> for help. Then one day a man I knew slightly held the door for me.
> He was a surgeon, much detested, who terrorized his patients and bullied
> nurses. It flitted through my mind: "This might well be the only kind act
> he performs this day," and I thanked him and hobbled on through.
> Let people be kind to you. Let people help.
> Not because you deserve it, necessarily, but because they do.
> -M
> On Thursday, February 26, 2015, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> True enough;  I try to do it all myself and am not good at asking for help.

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