[Magdalen] Kaddish [was Re: RIP Leonard Nimoy

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 16:48:21 UTC 2015

What ever happened to the right wingers who were in favor of "end times " markers for the quickening of the kingdom?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 28, 2015, at 9:50 AM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:

Indeed. And the right-wing evangelicals, who claim to be such strong
supporters of Israel, are the most ignorant of all. But don't get me
started on them.....

The priest of my parish in my late teen years felt we should understand
Judaism and Jewish practice better, and this resulted in a series of
exchanges with the youth of the local reform temple (I would have preferred
the conservative synagogue, but their rabbi demurred) in which we attended
each other's services, youth group meetings, etc.

A couple of my closest friends in high school were Jewish, one
Conservative, the other a cultural secular Jew from Israel, so I got a
pretty good perspective. The high school I went to was probably 10% Jewish
(it was also damn near lily white, but that's another story) but strongly
influenced. I was a fervent Zionist in my youth, but in more recent times
most definitely am not, thanks to Likud, Netanyahu, and the other right
wing types.

> On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Jim Guthrie <jguthrie at pipeline.com> wrote:
> Some of you interested in this might want to check out Temple Emanu-El in
> NY  --  a Reform Synagogue with s=an audio stream of their Friday Evening
> and Saturday morning services.
> http://www.emanuelnyc.org/
> Keep in mind that in assimilation into the U.S. Reform Jews based the
> Union Prayerbook on the Episcopal BCP c1871. They've made many changes
> since, but I'm sure those of you who collect historic BCPs all have a copy
> of one of the old Union books, I'm sure. I think it's an essential part of
> any Episcopalians BCP collection.
> The Lubavitchers also have a handy guide for beginners. Audio recordings
> of the ‘Mourner’s Kaddish’ and the ‘Rabbi’s Kaddish’ in three available
> versions: Chabad, Sefardic, and Ashkenaz.
> http://www.chabad.org/generic_cdo/aid/514160/jewish/Kaddish.htm?gclid=
> CJGFltnyhMQCFUMjgQodthcABA
> Maybe as a New Yorker, I've been more attuned to this, but sometimes I
> think there's much willful ignorance of Jewish practice among people who
> claim to like to study religion and theology. People of the Book should
> really have a broader outlook.
> Cheers,
> Jim Guthrie

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