[Magdalen] Epiphany

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 14:13:39 UTC 2015

No conversation at meals at my house growing up, and I read every word on every cereal box that came in! Loved those wonderful history cards that separated the layers of Nabisco Shredded Wheat!

> On Jan 7, 2015, at 7:33 AM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:
> Mother forbade cereal boxes on the kitchen table for just this
> reason. She preferred conversation.
> My gf has a similar problem with smartphones. A guest who puts
> her phone on the table isn't invited back. that's fer sure.
> -M
>> think denomination has anything to do with attention.  If you put a piece
>> of printed material in front of someone, they'll look at it more often than
>> not.

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