[Magdalen] Trouble for Twin Towers.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 16 22:55:16 UTC 2015

On 16/01/2015 15:31, Jim Guthrie wrote:
> From: Judy Fleener
>> The same thing is happening in Muskegon. One RC church has been torn 
>> down
>> and another on the way.  There were 4 ethnic churches in walking 
>> distance
> It should be noted that most of the RC Churches being 
> closed/consolidated around the country have far more members (and 
> larger ASA) than what we call a thriving Episcopal Church. But as the 
> RC Bishops note, their ASA is about 15%of total claimed membership 
> which indicates either their total membership figures are phony or 
> that adherents are disinterested in church these days.

By UK standards average mass attendance being 15% of nominal Catholics 
might seem high.  Under RC Canon Law a Catholic remains a member of that 
Church unless and until they leave it by some definitive act.  In 
countries where there is a church tax this might be by official 
resignation.  More commonly it would be by becoming a member of another 
denomination - assuming that the RCC is aware of that move.

Absent such a definitive act the individual remains a nominal Catholic 
who can call on the ministry of that Church and may well do so for 
certain rites of passage.


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