[Magdalen] Need chairs for nave!

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:40:33 UTC 2015

Good Shepherd has no choice about using chairs for our space is flex
space.  And, I am glad about that.  I prefer chairs (and an altar platform
on wheels).  I look forward to the intimacy of Communion in the Round.  I
even hope that when we arrange our space, we might have a rounded seat
arrangement as our preferred layout.  Gathering around....that is how I
imaging the people receiving Jesus back in the day.

I made a direct request and opinion that we secure good, comfortable
seating.  This has been sent with support to the interior design
committee.  A medium grade metal framed chair with thick seat and back
cushioning and a book rack is what I am thinking.  We shall see how that
goes.  The treasurer will weigh in, among others.

Jim O, I like your idea of people bringing chairs and their variety
reflecting the diversity of tastes in our membership.  It's a solid
theological statement, but that won't fly with this congregation.  We want
visual consistency, and we are not ready to have a 'church in the
marketplace' look, like House for All Sinners and Saints in Colorado, etc.
Just not the style or fabric of our congregation.  (I would love to attend
Nadia Bolz Weber's church someday!)

My rationale is that having substantial, comfortable seating is an issue of
genuine hospitality.  We can sacrifice for a time, a substantial altar,
lectern, pulpit, and other appointments, but seating...nope.  In my
opinion, if folks have to come into our nave for worship and have to sit on
folding metal chairs, I doubt they would come back.  Being comfortable will
eliminate that roadblock to hearing the gospel message.

Let us remember that The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd is two years
old and has no 'old family heirlooms' to pull from.  All is new.  "Behold,
I am make all things new. Rev. 21.5"  We are living that with joy and
struggle and blessing and messing up and getting up and wonder and love and
praise.  Alleluia.

Breathing it all in.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 9:09 AM, James Handsfield <jhandsfield at icloud.com>

> Too bad.  You wouldn’t like St. Bede’s.
> “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
> world.” — Nelson Mandela
> Jim Handsfield
> jhandsfield at att.net <mailto:jhandsfield at att.net>
> > On Jan 20, 2015, at 11:34 PM, James Oppenheimer-Crawford <
> oppenheimerjw at gmail.com <mailto:oppenheimerjw at gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> > I have to chortle when I see these silly chairs that have some kind of
> > device to lock them to the chair next to them.  I would not return to
> such
> > a parish.  Chairs are intended to have distance between them.

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