[Magdalen] Good News
Jim Guthrie
jguthrie at pipeline.com
Sun Jan 25 03:41:07 UTC 2015
From: Eleanor Braun
>My results are also good so far. I'm half way through chemo, and my cancer
>antigen is down by 2/3. Blood counts are good, and virtually no side
That antigen number is an interesting one -- my doctor says it's good news when
its down below 5, as that's within the range of people with no signs of cancer
at all. But its only meaningful in the context of everything else that may be
going on.
They also noticed the damaged gene that has caused the Wagner-Stickler eye and
joint problems, passed along for generations. The wonders of modern Science!
How does the Doctor know you're halfway? Mine says we continue as long as it's
working, making adjustments along the line if it doesn’t work anymore. It
continues until remission or until the worst happens and further chemo treatment
is futile.
I am in my cocoon state right now, with the Fluorouracil bottle in a sling
around my waist and connected the the Mediport on the upper chest. Albert will
remove it tomorrow when it's finished -- we have syringes of Saline and Heparin
to inject to keep the internal tube clean, and then he pulls the needle out.We
are required to bring the bottle back to MSK to be disposed of properly.
Let me add that I told of my predicament to a good friend and fellow anthracite
researcher when he was here at Christmas. Taking my advice, he had a colonoscopy
last week, and they found cancerous cells. He has a full CT scan scheduled next
week. Albert finally decided he'd better have one as well -- his is Feb 4.
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