[Magdalen] Good News
Eleanor Braun
eleanor.braun at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 19:33:55 UTC 2015
Different cancer, different chemo, different oncologist. My cycle was set
from the beginning -- 6 cycles of 3 treatments each, total of 18 sessions
over 18 weeks.
On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 10:41 PM, Jim Guthrie <jguthrie at pipeline.com> wrote:
> From: Eleanor Braun
> My results are also good so far. I'm half way through chemo, and my
>> cancer
>> antigen is down by 2/3. Blood counts are good, and virtually no side
>> effects.
> That antigen number is an interesting one -- my doctor says it's good news
> when its down below 5, as that's within the range of people with no signs
> of cancer at all. But its only meaningful in the context of everything else
> that may be going on.
> They also noticed the damaged gene that has caused the Wagner-Stickler eye
> and joint problems, passed along for generations. The wonders of modern
> Science!
> How does the Doctor know you're halfway? Mine says we continue as long as
> it's working, making adjustments along the line if it doesn’t work anymore.
> It continues until remission or until the worst happens and further chemo
> treatment is futile.
> I am in my cocoon state right now, with the Fluorouracil bottle in a sling
> around my waist and connected the the Mediport on the upper chest. Albert
> will remove it tomorrow when it's finished -- we have syringes of Saline
> and Heparin to inject to keep the internal tube clean, and then he pulls
> the needle out.We are required to bring the bottle back to MSK to be
> disposed of properly.
> Let me add that I told of my predicament to a good friend and fellow
> anthracite researcher when he was here at Christmas. Taking my advice, he
> had a colonoscopy last week, and they found cancerous cells. He has a full
> CT scan scheduled next week. Albert finally decided he'd better have one as
> well -- his is Feb 4.
> Jim
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