[Magdalen] Please pray for Ascension, Chicago - annual mtg tomorrow
Scott Knitter
scottknitter at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 20:47:44 UTC 2015
On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Lynn Ronkainen <houstonklr at gmail.com> wrote:
> with prayers and hopes that the truth was spoken in and with love by all
Thanks, Lynn. The truth was spoken by some, at least, and with love by
some. The right-winger from 8 a.m. Mass spoke nonsense and very
rudely. But I was glad time was allowed to have various points of view
spoken. I wished the rector would have had more to say in answer to
why the firings were done so ungraciously/coldly, as I believe there
is an explanation, but I'm assuming the protocol dioceses impose on
such things includes things like not sounding apologetic and not
sounding defensive, so that might leave little to say. I also assume
he wanted to use his sermon at Mass to give his vision of things, and
that he did, rather well. He is focusing on the future, perhaps also
part of the staff-restructuring approach--make your decision, be
direct and unyielding, and look forward.
Two surprises in the elections: the warden elected was a late
nomination (although not from the floor...just not known before the
meeting), and she represents those who are angriest about the choir
and feel they are the loyal supporters of the music program. (At the
opposite end of that spectrum are some who said there are too many
parishioners who "worship the choir loft instead of God.") And one of
the vestry members elected was a nominee from the floor, the
just-fired parish administrator.
I pray the two wardens will find ways to work together and not just be
at odds all the time. Two strong personalities, one with financial
expertise and the other with legal expertise. Ruh-roh. Can't imagine
what could go wrong there. To her credit, the legal one (an attorney)
saved the parish close to 50 grand recently through legal action
against the gas company, whose faulty meter was bringing us giant
bills for months. The meter was replaced, the overages refunded, and
something like 40 grand in settlement paid.
It should be a very interesting year. We still have the music staff
transition to get through.
At least there were no fisticuffs nor danish-throwing as there were in
a nightmare I had about the meeting. :)
Scott R. Knitter
Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA
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