[Magdalen] Bishop, please resign

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Thu Jan 29 21:38:44 UTC 2015

From: Jay Weigel

>She could probably do COBRA until the next signup period and then sign up
>for ACA/Obamacare like any regular person.....or is she just too good for
>that? Pardon the snark, but apparently she must think she's above all that.

Or perhaps she's familiar enough with COBRA to know it is far more expensive
than being on a plan, and the plan is still cheaper than the ACA.

She's on administrative leave -- which means she's out as far as any
participation, though I suspect some folk here may not understand what that
means. It's what happens to teachers and principals when accused of pederasty.
It's what cops go on when they're accused of various misdeed.  There are two
sub-categories -- with pay and without pay. In the without pay category, things
like health insurance and pensions continue. And a vested pension can still be
collected no matter what the outcome.

I think there's a lot of un-called for second-guessing going on here, and
certainly ignorance of administrative leave and what it means.. I'm sure
she'll be out in due course, but list-sibs piling on is unseemly, I think. See
your snark and raise you one.

In any case, Marion has it exactly right, I think:

>Much as I bear most bishops scant love and while I acknowledge that Bp
>Cook is not part of my local picture, nonetheless I cannot stand in
>judgment.   My mother would have said, "The mills of the gods grind
>slowly, but they grind exceeding fine."   I think that most of us would
>not enjoy being the target of such judgment and I can be pretty darn
>sure that she is already feeling the fires of hell and doesn't need
>more.  But that's me.


Jim Guthrie 

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