[Magdalen] Winter Blahs.

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 21:20:57 UTC 2015

Two friends took an exit near Miami to buy gas.

When they drove up to the pump and rolled down the window,
a man brandished a pistol, demanded her purse and his wallet.
That could happen anywhere, of course.

Glad Ann's not driving. People get in trouble driving in strange
cities.I never stop if all the first-floor windows are barred.
PS: the pool here isn't screened but many are, else you swim
with ducks, lizards & little snakes

On Friday, January 30, 2015, Charles Wohlers <charles.wohlers at verizon.net>

> Only visited Miami once, some years ago to visit a friend from grad
> school. He'd been transferred there, and complained that they "screened in
> their back yards and cultivated crab grass"

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